Multifandom AMV Recs

Theme: Emotional Movies

Usually, this would be a fic rec post. However, I've been thinking about Anime Music Videos lately and feeling nostalgic for the many hours I spent watching them as a teenager. They're fanworks too! Today I've got three moving AMVs focused on an anime movie. Each one contains at least some visual spoilers (in and/or out of context depending on the AMV).

Honestly, the choices of music and the speech here are inspired. I struggle to articulate why, exactly, but something about combining The Great Dictator and Metropolis just works on more than just a surface level. I rewatch it on occasion and it never fails to make me emotional.

This AMV is not the reason I watched Tokyo Godfathers one Christmas but it honestly could have been if I'd seen it earlier. There's something really special about an AMV that manages to capture the message and feeling of its source material. This AMV really succeeds at getting a sentimental atmosphere across.

A wonderful choice of song and really good balance of emotions. In This Corner of the World is set during World War II but really the movie is about life and people. This AMV really succeeds in capturing the sadness along with the sweetness. The timing in places is absolutely exquisite and makes me emotional every time.

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